Stipends and Financial Support

Grape vine

Graduate Student Stipends

Students entering the ILS Program (Year 1, Fall term) receive a stipend that is competitive in amount to that offered by other institutions. For the Fall 2024 program year, the stipend is $34,056. The low cost of living in the Athens area makes this stipend even more financially attractive. Applicants are also automatically considered for additional funding opportunities (when available), which in some instances may result in a stipend offer that is higher than the standard offer. At the beginning of the second semester (Year 1, Spring term), students formally matriculate into specific degree granting graduate programs and financial support continues at the same level. At the beginning of the second year (Year 2, Fall term), the stipend is reset to the unit standard. At this time funding may be in the form of a research assistantship (RA), teaching assistantship (TA), intramural or extramural support, or a combination of these funding mechanisms. To ascertain the current level of stipend support by ILS and participating graduate programs, please contact the appropriate graduate coordinator.

Other Financial Support

Tuition is remitted for all ILS students in Year 1, and this continues for the duration of the degree program as long as the student is supported by a RA or TA. Health insurance is subsidized via the UGA Student Health Care Plan. In addition, multiple training grant opportunities exist (available starting Year 1, Spring term):

Is There a Teaching Requirement?

All ILS students are protected from teaching responsibilities during the Fall semester of Year 1 in order to maximize the student’s research activities and enhance the learning experience. After the 1st semester, whether a student assumes teaching duties depends on numerous factors, including the availability of research assistantships, whether a chosen degree program has a formal teaching requirement, and whether teaching is an experience that the student desires. For the latter, the University of Georgia has developed a teaching certificate program  that allows students to acquire substantial teaching experience that can be leveraged for certain types of employment opportunities.