Infectious Diseases Faculty

Only faculty affiliated with ILS are listed on this page.  Learn more about Infectious Diseases faculty. The Infectious Diseases Graduate Coordinator is Melinda Brindley (

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Bahl, Justin

Justin Bahl Professor Infectious Diseases; Bioinformatics Ecology, epidemiology and evolution of infectious RNA viruses (Influenza A virus, avian paramyxovirus, RSV, MERS-CoV) in animals and humans Website

Billmyre, Blake

Blake Billmyre Assistant Professor Pharmaceutical & Biomedical Sciences; Infectious Diseases High throughput genetics to better understand evolution of fungal pathogens and drive antifungal drug discovery. Website

Brindley, Melinda

Melinda Brindley Associate Professor Infectious Diseases Arenavirus glycoprotein structure and function; virus entry and membrane fusion; emerging virus-host interactions. Functional characterization of viral glycoproteins and host interactions. Website

Harvill, Eric T.

Eric T. Harvill Professor Infectious Diseases Interactions between microbial pathogens and host immunity in the mouse model using bacteria that naturally infect mice and closely related strains that are important human pathogens. Website

He, Biao

Biao He Professor, GRA Distinguished Investigator Infectious Diseases Paramyxovirus-host interactions, vaccine development, emerging paramyxovirus and onocylytic virus. Website

Hogan, Jeff Hogan

Jeff Hogan Professor Infectious Diseases Website

Joyner, Chester

Chester Joyner Assistant Professor Infectious Diseases All facets of host-parasite interactions during malaria, ranging from molecular pathogenesis to malaria immunology to transmission Website

Karls, Russell

Russell Karls Senior Research Scientist Infectious Diseases Website

Kyle, Dennis

Dennis Kyle Professor GRA Eminent Scholar Chair in Antiparasitic Drug Discovery Cellular Biology; Infectious Diseases The discovery and development of new drugs to prevent or treat malaria and diseases caused by brain-eating amoebae. Elucidating mechanism(s) of resistance and discovering new drug treatment regimens, combinations, or strategies to overcome resistance. Website

Lafontaine, Eric

Eric Lafontaine Professor Infectious Diseases Bacterial pathogenesis; role of adhesins in virulence; vaccine development. Website

Norris, Karen

Karen Norris Professor Infectious Diseases Vaccine development for prevention of PCP and COPD, RSV infection, COPD; Immunce activation and aging, PAH; Immune-mediated mechanisms of pathogenesis, Type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrom, therapeuric testing; chronic immune activation/inflammation. Website

Park, Andrew

Andrew Park Professor Infectious Diseases Transient evolution of pathogens. Evolutionary processes involved in cross-species transmission. Evolutionary constraints in viral epidemiology. Website

Paton, Douglas

Douglas Paton Assistant Professor Infectious Diseases Vector mosquito biology, malaria transmission, and vector/pathogen interactions. Novel interventions for malaria elimination. Website

Peach, Dan

Dan Peach Assistant Professor Infectious Diseases Dr Peach's research interests are in the field of vector ecology, with a focus on behavioral and sensory ecology. He is primarily focused on how arthropod vectors, such as mosquitoes, find and interact with resources such as the hosts they bite, the flowers they nectar-feed from (and pollinate) or …

Peterson, David

David Peterson Professor Infectious Diseases Characterization of adhesion proteins which mediate host-parasite interactions in Plasmodium falciparum. Website

Phillips, Gregory

Gregory Phillips Professor Infectious Diseases, Center for Neurological Disease Research Basic and translational research to engineer bacteria to understand and develop new treatments for neurological diseases via the gut-brain axis.. Website

Quinn, Fred

Fred Quinn UGA Athletic Association Professor Infectious Diseases Tuberculosis pathogenesis; host-pathogen interactions. Website

Rada, Balazs

Balazs Rada Professor Infectious Diseases Role of reactive oxygen species in host-microbe interactions of the respiratory mucosa, neutrophil biology, pathomechanism of Pseudomonas infection in cystic fibrosis. Website

Rohani, Pejman

Pejman Rohani Regents' Professor Infectious Diseases The ecology and evolution of infectious diseases, including measles, pertussis, avian influenza, dengue and polio using computational modeling. Website

Rosenberg, Alex

Alex Rosenberg Assistant Professor Infectious Diseases Deciphering the mechanisms of host immune system manipulation by human eukaryotic pathogen - Toxoplasma gondii. Website

Sanchez, Susan

Susan Sanchez Professor Infectious Diseases Veterinary diagnostics; emerging clinical problems; antibiotic resistance; epidemiology of diseases with special emphasis in zoonoses. Website

Starai, Vincent

Vincent Starai Associate Professor Infectious Diseases; Microbiology Bacterial modulation of eukaryotic membrane dynamics for intracellular survival; SNARE-dependent membrane fusion biochemistry. Website

Tompkins, S. Mark

S. Mark Tompkins Professor, Director of Center for Vaccines & Immunology Infectious Diseases; Toxicology Transmission and pathogenicity of zoonotic influenza virus infection and development of vaccination and the prevention and treatment of viral infections. Website

Trent, M. Stephen

M. Stephen Trent UGA Foundation Distinguished Professor Infectious Diseases Characterizing the assembly of bacterial surface structures, development of vaccines for viral and bacterial pathogens, systems approaches to understanding microbial diseases Website

Tripp, Ralph A.

Ralph A. Tripp Professor and Georgia Research Alliance Chair in Vaccine and Therapeutic Studies Infectious Diseases; Toxicology Disease intervention strategies for important human pathogens and emerging infectious diseases of zoonotic origin; mechanisms of immunity; virus-host interface. Website

Watford, Wendy

Wendy Watford Associate Professor Infectious Diseases Regulation of host defense and tolerance by Stat transcription factors. Website