CTEGD Training Program Faculty

Learn more about this training program by contacting Dr. Silvia Moreno (smoreno@uga.edu), or by visiting the Center for Tropical and Emerging Global Diseases website.

Managed by the Center for Tropical and Emerging and Global Diseases (CTEGD). Funded by NIH for more than 10 years and currently supports 5 PhD students per year. Students in this program are encouraged to engage in a capstone experience and CTEGD provides some additional support for that.

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Abraham, Anna

Anna Abraham Professor Neuroscience Neurocognition of creativity & imagination – reality/fiction distinction, self/social cognition, mental time travel, semantic cognition, aesthetics Website

Adang, Mike

Mike Adang Professor Biochemistry & Molecular Biology; Entomology Ecology of macroinvertebrates in freshwater wetlands and streams. Website

Alabady, Magdy S.

Magdy S. Alabady Senior Research Scientist (Faculty) Plant Biology Genomics and computational biology of plant – microbiome interactions, RNA post-translation regulatory networks, and genome characterization Website

Amster, Jon

Jon Amster Professor Chemistry Structural analysis and characterization of glycosaminoglycans using mass spectrometry Website

Anderson, Jill

Jill Anderson Professor Genetics Evolutionary genetics and population ecology of plants; global change biology; field ecology; seed dispersal ecology; frugivorous fish. Website

Andrews, Tessa

Tessa Andrews Associate Professor Genetics Undergraduate evolution education; instructor experiences, knowledge, and skills in teaching biology; teaching context and climate in life science departments. Website

Avraham, Oshri

Oshri Avraham Assistant Professor Cellular Biology Deciphering the mechanisms that regulate the diversity of peripheral glial cells to achieve a better understanding of their role in the context of disease and injury. Website

Azadi, Parastoo

Parastoo Azadi Senior Research Scientist, CCRC Technical Director — Analytical Services, CCRC Structural analysis and hands-on training for all glycoconjugates using mass spectrometry and NMR Website

Bahl, Justin

Justin Bahl Professor Infectious Diseases; Bioinformatics Ecology, epidemiology and evolution of infectious RNA viruses (Influenza A virus, avian paramyxovirus, RSV, MERS-CoV) in animals and humans Website

Bar-Peled, Maor

Maor Bar-Peled Associate Professor Plant Biology Molecular cell biology of the wall, Biofuel and BioEnergy, Golgi as model for System biology, Plant Immunity. Website