Chromatin, Chromosomes, & Epigenetics Faculty
Previously Chromatic and Epigenetics
Learn more about this group by contacting Dr. Mary Goll (
Chromatin is the substrate for virtually all DNA-dependent processes in the nucleus, including transcription, replication, and DNA repair. Faculty in this group seek to understand how epigenetic and chromatin-based mechanisms contribute to genome function in eukaryotes. We are interested in understanding how histones, non-histone DNA binding proteins, and chromatin modifications contribute to fundamental processes within the nucleus.
Bennetzen, Jeff
Jeff Bennetzen Professor Genetics; Bioinformatics Plant genomics and genome evolution, transposable elements, and regulatory gene evolution. Website
Billmyre, Katie
Katie Billmyre Assistant Professor Genetics Meiotic chromosome biology using Drosophila as a model system. Website
Cai, Haini
Haini Cai Associate Professor Cellular Biology; Neuroscience Nuclear and genome organization; Chromatin structure and function; Gene regulation in Drosophila development. Website
Cai, Houjian
Houjian Cai Associate Professor Pharmaceutical & Biomedical Sciences Post-translational modification including protein acylation, fatty acid metabolism, prostate stem cell, Src family kinases, prostate cancer, small molecular inhibitor. Website
Dawe, Kelly
Kelly Dawe Distinguished Research Professor Genetics; Plant Biology Plant centromere and kinetochore structure and function. Website
Funato, Kosuke
Kosuke Funato Assistant Professor Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Molecular and cellular mechanisms of brain tumors; oncohistone mutations; human ES cell-based tumor modeling; tumor heterogeneity and evolution Website
Goll, Mary
Mary Goll Associate Professor Genetics Epigenetic regulation in the context of development and cancer. We focus on heterochromatin and primarily use zebrafish as a model system. Website
Hunt, Brendan
Brendan Hunt Associate Professor Entomology Behavioral and evolutionary genetics and epigenetics of social insects. Website
Ivanova, Natalia
Natalia Ivanova Associate Professor Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Genetics Transcriptional and epigenetic mechanisms regulating preimplantation development, pluripotency, differentiation and cellular reprogramming in humans Website
Lewis, Zachary
Zachary Lewis Professor Microbiology Chromatin structure and function; Epigenetics; Eukaryotic genome stability; Histone H1. Website
Li, Wentao
Wentao Li Assistant Professor Environmental Health Sciences; Toxicology The research in Dr. Li’s laboratory combines biochemistry, genetics, adductomics and computational approaches to investigate effects of epigenetics and spatial genome organization on environmental carcinogen-induced DNA damage formation, DNA repair, mutagenesis, and carcinogenesis. Website
Menke, Douglas
Douglas Menke Professor Genetics Developmental Regulation of Gene Expression; Evolution of Vertebrate Morphology. Website
Nelms, Brad
Brad Nelms Assistant Professor Plant Biology Cell differentiation during plant reproduction, genomics and gene regulatory networks, single-cell RNA-sequencing, reprogramming cell fate Website
Parrott, Ben
Ben Parrott Assistant Professor Toxicology; Savannah River Ecology Laboratory Environmental and ecological influences on development, reproduction, and aging in wildlife and humans. Website
Sabatini, Robert
Robert Sabatini Professor Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Molecular and biochemical parasitology: DNA modification, homologous recombination and the regulation of antigenic variation in Trypanosoma brucei. Website
Schmitz, Bob
Bob Schmitz Professor Genetics Population epigenomics and mechanisms of epigenetic inheritance. Website
Weiss, Ryan
Ryan Weiss Assistant Professor Biochemistry & Molecular Biology; Complex Carbohydrate Research Center Investigating the regulatory mechanisms of glycosylation using genomic, chemical, and genetic approaches with particular focus on the discovery of novel drugs and targets to treat human diseases. Website
Yao, Yao
Yao Yao Assistant Professor Neuroscience Develop regenerative therapies for neurological diseases by investigating the pathological and therapeutic roles of extracellular vesicles in cellular and animal models. Website
Yin, Hang
Hang Yin Assistant professor Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Stem cell biology, brown fat development and induction, non-coding RNA, development of novel therapies for human obesity and type 2 diabetes Website
Zhao, Shaying
Shaying Zhao Professor Biochemistry & Molecular Biology; Bioinformatics Cancer genomics; human junk DNA; genomic instability. Website
Zheng, Y. George
Y. George Zheng Professor Georgia Cancer Coalition Distinguished Scholar Pharmaceutical & Biomedical Sciences Drug Development, Chemical Biology, Cancer Disease Mechanism, Epigenetics and Genetics, Histone Modifications, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, Enzymology, and Biophysics. Website