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Disease Models & Mechanisms

Disease Models & Mechanisms — Identifying links between genetics and the mechanisms of disease is a complex process.  Nevertheless, this process is critical to advancing our understanding of disease formation and progression as well as identifying ways to detect and treat diseases.  The use of genetically modified organisms to model disease is a powerful tool in this process.  Such models allow for enhanced analysis of the contribution of genes to disease pathology.  These models also allow basic science investigations to be more translatable to humans subjects and the clinic.  Members of this group cover the full range of scientific analyses, from genetically modified organisms to human subjects, with genetic and epigenetic analyses, to model and advance the study of a wide variety of human diseases. View faculty»

Cell Biology

Cell Biology — Research within this group is focused on the fundamental functions of the cell, such as organelle biogenesis and function, cell polarization, cytoskeleton, cell motility, sensing, signal transduction, intracellular transport, cell cycle regulation and gene expression. Our faculty use interdisciplinary approaches including genetic, biochemical, bioinformatic, biophysical, microscopic imaging and mathematical modeling tools to understand the basic properties of both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. View faculty»

Tropical & Emerging Global Diseases

Tropical & Emerging Global Diseases — TEGD is university-wide, interdisciplinary approach to foster research, education and service related to tropical and emerging infectious diseases and is based on a strong foundation of parasitology, immunology, cellular and molecular biology, biochemistry and genetics. View faculty»

Systems Biology

Systems Biology — Systems biology is an emerging approach applied to biomedical and biological scientific research. Systems biology is a biology-based inter-disciplinary field of study that focuses on complex interactions within biological systems, using a more holistic perspective (holism instead of the more traditional reductionism) approach to biological and biomedical research. View faculty»

Molecular Plant Sciences

Molecular Plant Sciences — Basic research in plant sciences helps meet the enormous challenge of securing food and health for a world population that has already reached 7 billions and is likely to grow to 9 billions by 2050. Research covers a wide range of research topics including the perception of light by plants, seed germination and plant development, mecanisms of resistance to diseases, plant-insect or plant-microbe interactions, metabolism of plant cells or epigenetic mechanisms. View faculty»

Pathogens & Immunity

Pathogens & Immunity — The goal of the Pathogens & Immunity group is to advance understanding of host-pathogen interactions and have a direct impact on human and animal health through translational research. We intensively study the biology of viral, bacterial, protozoal and helminth pathogens and how they interact with their hosts at the molecular, cellular and systems levels, particularly with regard to pathogenesis and immunity. This knowledge is applied to the development of diagnostics, prophylactics and therapeutics for disease control. View faculty»

Fungal Biology

Fungal Biology — Fungi range from microscopic, single-celled yeasts to vast underground mycelial colonies covering hundreds of acres. They are heterotrophs that play major roles in recycling environmental carbon, cause diseases of plants and animals, and make many industrial products. Because they are more closely related to animals than to plants and because their biology and genetics are easily manipulated, fungi are great models organisms. View faculty»

Evolution & Ecology

Evolution & Ecology — Evolution & Ecology is the study of patterns and processes of evolution. Students learn genetics and functional patterns. They study the form and structure of organisms for evidence of their origin. View faculty»

Epigenetics, Chromatin Structure & Genome Function

Epigenetics, Chromatin Structure & Genome Function — Chromatin is the substrate for virtually all DNA-dependent processes in the nucleus, including transcription, replication, and DNA repair. Faculty in this group seek to understand how epigenetic and chromatin-based mechanisms contribute to genome function in eukaryotes. We are interested in understanding how histones, non-histone DNA binding proteins, and chromatin modifications contribute to fundamental processes within the nucleus. View faculty»

Developmental Biology

Developmental Biology — The purpose of Developmental Biology at UGA is to further the study of development in all organisms and at all levels of life, to represent and promote communication among students of development, and to promote the field of developmental biology. View faculty»