Hoarfrost, Adrienne

Adrienne Hoarfrost
Assistant Professor
Marine Sciences
Marine microbiology; carbon cycling and biogeochemistry; AI/machine learning for biology; bioinformatics; astrobiology; space biology; marine biotech.
Marine microbiology; carbon cycling and biogeochemistry; AI/machine learning for biology; bioinformatics; astrobiology; space biology; marine biotech.
Marine microbial ecology and evolution; oceanography, biogeochemistry, astrobiology, bioinformatics, big data analytics in environmental science
Invertebrate microbiomes; nematode ecology and evolution; benthic and deep-sea habitats; using environmental DNA for biomonitoring
Marine microbial ecology; phytoplankton physiology; ocean biogeochemistry; environmental bioinformatics
Zooplankton ecology, predator-prey interactions, ocean biophysical coupling, plankton imaging and analysis
Coastal ecosystem ecology and biogeochemistry; ecosystem resilience to and recovery from disturbances; global change; carbon cycling
Biogeochemical nutrient cycling in porous media and aquatic systems, reactive transport modeling of microbially mediated processes.
Role of microbial diversity in marine environments and the utilization of molecular methods to investigate microbial diversity, interactions between micro- and macroscopic organisms and the functioning of marine ecosystems.
Marine microbial ecology and biogeochemistry; climate change.
Ecology of marine bacteria in the carbon and sulfur cycles; application of ecological functional genomics techniques to marine microbes.